I don’t think an in-depth reminiscence of my workflow history would be valuable for this article, but we can safely say that it has changed. Through years of practice, modifying, […]
I don’t think an in-depth reminiscence of my workflow history would be valuable for this article, but we can safely say that it has changed. Through years of practice, modifying, […]
I’ve been slowly getting more and more disturbed at the frequency in which words and thought get lost in a digital world. A pure fact of digital data is that […]
Well, my friends, this is the end of the Self Exploration project. Those of you that have read these, thank you for taking a few moments to read my thoughts. […]
As I was out walking today, I was thinking how this world is entirely built upon stress. I searched for an example in the world where something doesn’t have stress, […]
Hacking: to make things work with the resources available. I think hacking has been given a bad reputation. I’m curious what you think about when you hear that word? What […]
Patience, like time, is something I can never really master. Just when I think I have patience under control, I get another curve ball thrown right into the sweet spot […]
I don’t know everything. I try to but I don’t. I like the idea of the Renaissance man, a person that knows about most things. In spite my habit of […]
We all want to be wanted, but is this love? I don’t think so. I think love is the other way around. I think that love is to shower something […]
Trust has got to be one of the hardest things in this world to fully realize. Trust in thy self, trust in others, trust in the path, trust in the […]
I often find myself wandering at night. I enjoy walking upon the evening streets. The energy is different, a different ambiance. I like looking up at street lights and watching […]
I have never met a human who didn’t have some kind of hurt in their life. I believe we are animals built to withstand hurt, both physical and mental. We […]
I talk about ego a lot, or rather, it comes up in conversation with me a lot because I have taken it unto my self to identify it by name […]
I like to do things myself. I like to learn, I like to produce, I like to have control, and I often find that I get a lot of satisfaction […]
Saving is seemingly simple but a tricky concept and even harder to practice. I learned very young. As should probably be obvious from my earlier posts, I’m fairly careful with […]
An un-ordered inventory of my resistance (and strength of said resistance): – I’m resistant to cruelty (strong) – I’m resistant to torture (strong) – I’m resistant to deceit (medium) – […]
Do me a favor. Next time you walk along the streets of your city, take a count of how many pieces of garbage you see. My guess is that from […]
I am trying to become more connected and I’m realizing this means disconnect. I am learning that in connection I must be unceasing. I think one of the biggest afflictions […]
There are three things that ruled my pre-adult life. 1. Hockey 2. Cars 3. Music Not necessarily in that order. Only one of those passions is still relevant to my […]
A few years ago now I went to a Henry Rollins talk. He’s notorious for hating the world, but I think that’s just a misconception based on what a man […]
My brother showed me a video last night interviewing a fellow by the name of Derrick Jensen. I have much to download and digest from this video still, but it’s […]
I believe we all have an energy about us. Most Eastern philosophies and beliefs focus on this: Thai massage, Raja-yoga, Buddhism, feng shui, qi… all concentrated on the flow of […]
When I was in grade 7 our hockey coach took the whole team to one of my teammates house where his dad got us all to find our comfortable place […]
Leading by example is important. This means leading my life so others can steal from my motivation, my lead. And vice versa. In the truest sense of awareness, this also […]
After-this-life. I believe in soul, not just a single soul. I believe in an energy and memories that aren’t necessarily our own, that co-mingle. Phenomenons exist where revelations simultaneously occur […]
Greed and consumption. I feel consumption is the ignorant child of greed. Without greed, consumption would not exist. A chicken and an egg situation. Holidays, vacations… it’s funny how during […]
Spirituality is something I’ve been exploring passionately for a while now. I used to think that religion and spirituality went hand in hand. Then I began the journey of Atheism […]
Right now, my two favorite words are intention and awareness. I’ve talked about awareness already, and skirted around the topic of intention. Intention is the underlying message of my Self […]
I know that I enjoy expressing myself. I know that my fear resists performance, what I have usually expected expression leads to. I’m starting to accept both of these facts, […]
Monkey see, monkey do. I see my friend flying a drone with a video camera attached to it, I want a drone with a video camera attached to it. My […]
My grandmother took this photograph. She’s 97 years old and half blind and deaf and it seems her short term memory is deteriorating. Last night I showed her a book […]
“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and […]
My hesitation to fully commit is a result of waiting for the commitment to happen to me. I think it’s a belief that one day I’ll look out upon the […]
My resourcefulness and creativeness allow me to find solutions and strategies to achieving my goals. I believe this is why I like the term Renaissance Man. Knowing about a lot […]
You mean I am a conscious, intentional, learnable, flexible being with two arms, two legs, twenty phalanges, and how many senses? Damn rights I’m going to experiment. I’m here to […]
One of my favorite words right now is awareness. I repeat it to myself multiple times a day, and reflect back upon it in a lot of conversations I have. […]
Right, wrong, good, bad. These are defined mostly by culture. These are defined by my parents, brothers, friends. I am part of culture. I have a family and am building […]
Commitment is necessary for the quality of my story telling. My journey is to learn what commitment is to me. This is my truth, and the very depth of me […]
I like the thought of a bug out bag. A bag I must grab if I’ve got to go in a hurry. The tactical man’s survival kit. I usually carry […]
When I played hockey, one of my best friend’s dad’s used to call me Smiley. He was always saying something and joking around and I would just stand there and […]
I feel like crying right now. When I share what I know, trying to help, and somebody says: “stop that,” I feel like crying. I have reached the point in […]
My work right now, which is a reason for starting this self exploration project, is to learn how to better tell stories with meaning and humanity, not pop and filler. […]
I was reading Charles A. Eastman, a famous Sioux who spent his adult life trying to bridge the gap between white man and their misunderstanding of his people’s ways. Sioux […]
I have justified with myself that there are some forms of judgement that are good, and some that are bad. For instance, judging the speed of a moving car can […]
I believe in tools. Tools help me perform my commitments. However, there are many things that money can buy that distracts from my commitments. I don’t like watching television, the […]
I am a human, but what does this mean? Do I have a personality or am I just an avatar to you? Am I a machine or do I communicate? […]
This is a simple start. An exploration of myself and the vulnerabilities that come with it. These are my feet. Mens size 9.5 on the days I’m feeling long and […]
I feel as though I know nothing, yet I’ve been learning about it for some time. Thy self. This is a journey as deep as any river flow, and as […]
Creation and the © copyright thereof is a thing. Particularly, it’s a thing that is infringed upon and stolen away from the creator on the regular by both the uninformed […]
Art is evolution. Life is evolution. The pure fact that we are alive here in this world is a testament to the evolutionary process. Therefore, life is art. Dig? To […]
Tonight I took a drive down memory collecting images for a friend to use for her own promotions. Looking through my photographs over the past few years, I’m pretty happy […]
Today I sat down with a friend and mentor of mine and we got talking about… well, hustling. For me as a growing artist I’m learning the fine balance of […]
I turned 30 and it was bloody lonely. The kind of lonely where plans fall through for no spoken reason, partners leave town, and lost feelings sink deep in a […]
One of the most rampant thing in our modern culture is getting famous. We are all – yes, myself included – posting photographs on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. with […]
Found in the archives, in an old website dated 2004. Upon My Hands I Look I wish that when the seasons came together, embrace would be felt. Not only […]
Twice in the last week I’ve been faced head on with a client wanting to change fundamental design characteristics that speak more than simply being an element in the project. […]
As an artist, as a creative, there is only one direction you can take. Artists break norms. Artists don’t merely change colours, or change the clothes on the doll, or […]
No matter how much you trust that verbal contract, it doesn’t mean jack. It means one time, a while ago, you were talking about something, but to be honest, forget […]
Tomorrow is my birthday, and I’ve decided this year for my birthday I’m going to encourage or hope, or even get so ornate as to demand people to sign up […]
The lifestyle of an artist seems to be filled with fantasy; a wandering troubadour, guitar slung across his back as he hits the road, leaving behind another town filled with […]
What are you is a question that’s been spiraling around like the flu in November. Who are you? What makes you tick? What identifies you as a person? What makes […]
The interaction between artist and buyer is a funny space. With money for art, clients are indeed investing in art, they’re investing in the artist with a belief that they […]
Recently I bought three large, 76 x 101 cm canvases to paint. You should see me trying to paint them since I don’t have a studio, and I do not […]
I was thinking today, as I usually do. But today, as I walked with my dog up and over and around and back again along the snowy path behind the […]
First, the soundtrack to this blog: As an engineer, I know that to push, I must have friction to push against. I can not push something that does not resist. […]
I would like to take a moment to talk about documentation, because I believe it is an important thing to be aware of. First off. Document. Let me get my […]
I’ve been asking myself what is the point of Social Media [SM] a lot lately. Mostly because it’s becoming dizzying. Things that are beginning to urk me are reading about […]
I just got my haircut. I think for most people this is an experience. It’s an exciting time where you expect to come out of the shop looking like a […]
Directly as a result of creating this new blog I’ve been thinking about why I’m doing this internet thing, and where my time is most effectively directed at. For the […]
In a strategic move to stop confusing the hell out of people, I’ve decided [sub thought: maybe I should keep this entire blog as if I’m talking in the third […]
In the wee hours of the night some moons ago I decided that I still didn’t have enough outlets for my imagination. Upon this revelation I’ve decided to create a […]