Self Exploration (day 25) – Guides

Leading by example is important. This means leading my life so others can steal from my motivation, my lead.

And vice versa.

In the truest sense of awareness, this also means that I follow the lead – my life is not perfect and I’m always looking for ways to guide my path.

I seek guidance all the time.

Just recently I reached out to a friend on Instagram who I had never met because I was astounded at every photograph that she took and posted. I liked her style. She didn’t use giant essays with her words, but the aesthetic and story that each one consistently told is something I’m trying to learn how to do. We met for tea and discussed spirituality.

This is a simple example of a guide, but I’m learning at every corner there’s a sparkling array of guidance waiting for me to acknowledge and appreciate them.

I like to reach out to guides and appreciate them. I tell them why I admire them. Positive encouragement is always a beautiful thing. It encourages me to acknowledge what I appreciate, and it also gives the guide some encouragement to continue their awesome. Its a win-win.

If I’m on the receiving end of some positive feedback, some appreciation, my day has just got a whole lot better.

I guess the danger with this is inflating the ego, which is why it’s important I am aware of the guidance I am receiving. If I go about this life without much intention and care, it is very easy to get guidance thrown in our face in the form of advertisements.

I don’t feel the need to keep only one guide, or hold onto a guide. This does not serve anybody. I outgrow my guides. I have spent time understanding their message and started work it into my life. Holding onto a guide is a form of greed, one that can cause lots of suffering and actually work detrimentally to my growth.

Not all guides have an important message. Sometimes they’re just mini lessons, like a new way to string your shoelaces. That’s it. Mini lesson. No need to worship this guide for years.

I try to live my life knowing that I may be guiding somebody, leading by example. This is dangerous for me if leading by example isn’t from my inner truth, but this is where my work comes in and how I’m continually learning.

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