Self Exploration (day 29) – Journey
A few years ago now I went to a Henry Rollins talk. He’s notorious for hating the world, but I think that’s just a misconception based on what a man […]
Self Exploration (day 28) – Emergency to Change
My brother showed me a video last night interviewing a fellow by the name of Derrick Jensen. I have much to download and digest from this video still, but it’s […]
Self Exploration (day 27) – Energy
I believe we all have an energy about us. Most Eastern philosophies and beliefs focus on this: Thai massage, Raja-yoga, Buddhism, feng shui, qi… all concentrated on the flow of […]
I’m an Artist
The lifestyle of an artist seems to be filled with fantasy; a wandering troubadour, guitar slung across his back as he hits the road, leaving behind another town filled with […]
Find You and Do It
What are you is a question that’s been spiraling around like the flu in November. Who are you? What makes you tick? What identifies you as a person? What makes […]
Fragments of Iceland by Lea Amiel and Nicolas Libersalle
The Secret
The Secret to life.